


北京中欧app下载官网集团有限责任公司(英文统称Gehua Media Group,简称“GMG”)是经北京市委、市政府批准,于2015年11月30日成立的市属一级文化企业。集团现有二级企业12家,业务涵盖文化、影视、平台、设施运营等多个领域。中欧app下载官网集团坚持守正创新和双效统一,圆满完成了2022年首届北京文化论坛服务保障、北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会保障工作及四场开闭幕式制作工作、2022年和2021年中国国际服务贸易交易会文旅服务专题承办、2019年北京世园会开闭幕式演出制作工作,成功举办了11届中欧app下载官网,倾力出品了《觉醒年代》《温暖的土地》等重大主题电视剧及《鼓楼外》等京味特色电视剧,高效运营了中华世纪坛、中欧大厦等大型文化设施,拥有数万块覆盖北京市公交、楼宇、地标的户外媒体终端。







As one of the state-owned large-scale cultural backbone enterprises in the capital city, Beijing Gehua Media Group Co., Ltd. adheres to the development concept of “culture + technology + integration + innovation”, unswervingly takes the road of digital, integrated and platform-based development, and strives to become a leading enterprise in cultural services based in the capital city while radiating across China. It currently has 13 secondary enterprises, focuses on five business sectors, i.e. creative design, cultural exhibitions and events, film and television content production, outdoor media, and cultural facility operations, and it also possesses relatively complete cultural media industry chain and excellent supporting upstream and downstream output capabilities. In recent years, the Group and its affiliated enterprise have been granted and nominated with honors including “Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises”, and “Top 30 Cultural Enterprises in the Capital”.

Creative Design Section: Starting with the “Beijing Design Week”, it gathers professional design forces from home and abroad; deeply cultivates the “Beijing Cultural and Creative Product Development Platform”, assists in the construction of Beijing as a “Famous Design City”, and creates the cultural and creative IP development service chain. It has taken the distinctive path in the development of red cultural and creative, Beijing-style cultural and creative, and ancient capital cultural and creative development, introduced international design resources to Beijing, promoted industrial upgrading, and given full play to its unique advantages in promoting Chinese design to go global.

Cultural Exhibition and Event Section: It has many years’ extensive practical experience in the field of serving and guaranteeing major national events, host diplomacy activities and national exhibitions, and possesses the top-level creative planning standards and comprehensive operational capabilities in domestic market. By taking the opportunity of hosting the “Historical and Cultural Cities Forum”, the Cultural and Tourism Services Exhibition of China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), and organizing the opening/closing ceremonies of 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games, it realizes the large-scale operations of cultural conferences and exhibitions and creates a “national team for large-scale cultural events”.

Film and Television Content Production Section:  By adhering to the strategy of high-quality contents, it builds the “Gehua brand” in the field of film and television, and actively creates the “film and television +” industrial chain. A great number of its masterpieces, such as Desire, Stories from the Editorial Board, A Native of Beijing in New York, The Age of Awakening, Stories in the Quadrangle Dwellings and Never Say Goodbye have been released over the years, and more than 30 professional awards, such as “Flying Apsaras Award”, “The Magnolia Award”, and “Golden Angel Award”, have been granted.

Outdoor Media Section: As a leading outdoor media enterprise in the capital city, it has more than 40,000 media terminals such as Beijing bus TV, subway TV, building TV, outdoor large screens, allowing an average daily exposure of nearly 200 million times. It will continue to promote the digital and intelligent development of outdoor terminals, and create the outdoor smart media communication matrix covering all travel scenarios in the capital city.

Cultural Facilities Operation Section: It has cultural facilities such as Gehua Tower and China Millennium Monument, gathers cultural resources and cultural celebrities, optimizes cultural assets, forms scale effects, and creates the digital culture and innovation industrial park featured by “culture + space”.